Dear Unique/MEC Healthcare Plan Member:

As we embark on a New Year together, we would like to thank you for your continued participation while making you aware of exciting changes for 2017.  Due to the overwhelming success of the Unique MEC Plan, Eastpointe is now ADIUVARE Healthcare.  This change not only allows us to more effectively focus on our overall mission of providing superior medical care, but will also ensure greater patient convenience.

ADIUVARE Healthcare is an ACA (Affordable Care Act) compliant solution for individuals, families, and business owners.  By having developed a partnership with First Health Network, you will continue to have access to affordable, quality healthcare not only locally, but also nationwide.  And while having the peace of mind in knowing that you are fulfilling the legal mandated health care coverage requirements under Obamacare (5000A), as a participant of Unique Healthcare, you will continue to receive the added bonus of unlimited no deductible or copay office visits along with other services, at all Mt. West Family Health Center locations.

Mt. West Family Health Center has led in serving the Greater El Paso Area with quality, affordable healthcare for over 25 years. While remaining in the forefront, we are pleased to announce our newest clinic located in Horizon City, which will open in the fall of 2017. We have also expanded our hours at all locations to serve you nightly until 8:00 p.m. Please call to confirm appointment availability.

As a reminder, urgent after-hour visits are covered at Summit Urgent Care on Zaragoza, and Upper Valley Urgent Care on Redd Road on weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Again, thank you for your continued support as we look to the future together, while continuing to improve the quality of your health.

For more information or questions please call (915) 317-5700 or visit


V.M. Villalobos, M.D.
Medical Director Mt. West Family Health Center

Daniel Steadley
Owner / Administrator ADIUVARE Healthcare

Are You A Business Owner?

Our Unique Healthcare For Business is a great plan and a great alternative for your employees. Click here to learn more.