Men’s Health Month is celebrated across the country with screenings, health fairs, media appearances, and other health education and outreach activities.

The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of prevent- able health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

Ask the Expert: Kevin Billups, M.D.

What are the biggest health issues men face?

There is a crisis in America right now in men’s health, and it affects every communitiy. That crisis revolves around managing chronic medical diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease and high cholesterol. These common problems are causing men to die prematurely in the prime of their life.

What is low testosterone?

Testosterone is the main male hormone, and is responsible for a number of things, including reproductive development as a male. It’s made in the testes, and impacts a number of functions. The most common symptoms of low testosterone are a decreased sex drive, erectile difficulty, tiredness, mood changes and occasional memory problems. If you have low testosterone, you’re at increased risk of developing diabetes, hypertension or a number of other chronic conditions.

After age 40, what happens to a man’s prostate?
Once we get over the age of 40, our prostates grow — it’s known as “benign prostate enlargement.” The common symptoms include slow urinary stream or a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. An enlarged prostate has been linked to a number of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What You Need to Know

•Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, excluding skin cancer.

•African-American men are at the greatest risk to develop prostate cancer.

•The American Cancer Society recommends men with an average risk of prostate cancer should begin the discussion about screening at age
50, while men with higher risk of prostate cancer should begin earlier.

•Sexual health is a major overall health marker for men — 1 in 4 men will experience some form of sexual health concern by age 65.

•Erectile dysfunction and lower testosterone are linked to larger health risks, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and

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